Dienstag, 22. Juli 2014


Der Workshop "FilzFell" am Wochenende 19.-20. Juli 2014

unglaublich schönes Wetter, unheimlich viele Locken, Fasern und viel Kreativität gestalteten den Workshop. Mit viel Ideen für Gestaltung haben wir tolle Resultate erzielt.

Es hat mir viel Spass gemacht mit Monica und Lidija zu arbeiten.

The workshop "FilzFell" on the weekend 19th-20th July 2014

beautiful weather, an incredible number of curls, fibers and a lot of creativity designed the workshop. With lots of ideas for design, we have achieved great results.

It was lot fun to work with Monica ​​and Lidija.

"at work"

Lidija & Monica

cute littel Maja the workshop mascot

Monica's work

Lidija's work (still wet)

Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2014

Workshop "Felt-Bag"

In my Workshop we will create  a felt bag.
We will work out different techniques of surface creation and work with different materials we will integrate into a bag.
- the possibilities are unlimited...-
For more Information, please send me a message to